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SDR-Control CWを含めLANケーブル1本で全モード運用可能になった

下の英文は、SDRーControl のオンラインマニュアル関連部分だ。

前から、分かってはいたのだけど、Mac miniがどうしてもシリアルデバイスを認識しなくトホホ状態。
馬鹿馬鹿しいと思いながら、アマゾンで2千円ほどのシリアル変換ケーブルを購入、Mac miniのUSBハブに刺したら、なんだこりゃで認識した。


USB Serial Cable
You can use a USB Serial cable to connect a CW-Paddle to the Mac. The same cable can also be used to connect a foot switch for PTT activation.

The necessary cable is called FTDI USB to Serial Cable DB9M (UT232R-200)

It might be possible to use other USB Serial cables but this has not been tested. So if in doubt and if you have to purchase a USB cable anyways, better look for a FTDI cable as mentioned above.

Once your cable is connected to your Mac, you will be able to select this Cable from the Tools → CW Keyer menu.

The FTDI USB Serial cable uses a DB9 male plug.

Connecting a Paddle:
The common (ground) cable of the paddle needs to be connected to pin 7 which is the RTS pin.

The left (dit) paddle needs to be connected to pin 8 which is the CTS pin.
The right (dah) paddle needs to be connected to pin 1 which is DCD

For de-bouncing, please add a capacitor of 10nF between pin 5 (GND) and pin 1 and another between pin 5 and pin 8.
